Thursday, May 8, 2008

Rejoice for Brother Monkey

Brother Monkey called me today with the greatest news. He's been hired to write for a network sitcom! I was so excited that I jumped up and down in my office when he told me! And it's not even my job! I'm so very very proud and was all smiles all day just thinking about my brother's wonderful opportunity. When he called, I could hear Torry in the background shouting, "Yay! Yay! Yay!" It was an awesome moment. I was totally yay-ing, too!

If you're my friend in real life or a longtime trusted reader who is curious about what show BroMo landed, shoot me an e-mail. I think you will agree it is most excellent.

Mr. Monkey was passed out, snoring on the couch when I came home tonight. I had a fabulous dinner with my friend Mansmell at Pacific Dining Car, but that post will have to wait because I can't get to my computer to upload pics. A hibernating Monkey is in the way! But the sleeping beauty is quite adorable with the haircut he got today, so I don't have the heart to wake him up to move him aside.

It was a good dinner, and I had a swell time catching up with my old co-worker. Pics will come!

But the big news today is all about BroMo! I think we are both elated that he doesn't have to go to law school, at least for a year. Cross your fingers that things keep going well! Yay! Yay! Yay!


  1. Yay for BroMo!!

  2. congratulations to your brother!! that is fabulous news, indeed. ;-)

  3. great news indeed! hopefully it will silence papa monkey for a bit.

  4. Yay!! That's awesome! I'm relieved for him, and for Papa Monkey too, though he must be proud :) I would email you to get the scoop on which show, but your email address was stored in iSaac :(

  5. congratulations to BroMo!!!!!!!!

  6. Eeeeeeee yay!!! Yay for BroMo!

  7. That is such good news!! It's also great to see him being successful doing what he loves.

  8. Congrats to BroMo!

  9. congrats to a! you know i'm curious...i'll email you later. ;)

  10. That is such good news for bro-mo! I've been worried about him, ever since the writer's strike. It's great that he's got such a cool new gig!

  11. Yay for your brother, that is awesome.

  12. That's so exciting! Congrats for Brother Monkey!

  13. Congrats to your bro! Livin' the dream, man.

  14. So stinking excited for BroMo!!!

  15. i'm thrilled for BroMo! that's such awesome news :)

  16. Yay for Brother Monkey! This is awesomeness squared.

  17. hi weemo,
    thanks for the supportive words. even though i don't REALLY know you, i can tell that we've gone through very similar family situations which makes us kinda close :-). i was 18...almost 19...when the rents divorced. sometimes, i think it was harder on me at that age than it would have been if i was a lot younger. you agree?

    random- i'm dying to know what show broMo is writing for! email me please

    have a good weekend.

  18. soooo excited. tell me what show!!!
    and you BETTER not say Gossip Girl cuz I'll shit.

    p.s. Mr. d is similarly passed out, ugh! why are we mawied to old farties

  19. Congrats to your brother! I'm sure every Monkey must be very proud.

  20. Congratulations to Brother!!! That's great!

  21. This is the best news!! Yay for Bro Mo!

  22. Comgrats to Brother Momkey! I will email you re the show!

  23. That's so awesome!! Glad the strike is over.


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